The LGA have announced that there is likely to be a pay award for Local Government Employees in 2016 and 2017. This will of course also impact on schools and many Academies in relation to support staff. Whilst there is an offer on the table to trade unions (a two year deal) nothing has yet been agreed although we understand that the offer is being regarded as a final one.
The LGA have announced that there is likely to be a pay award for Local Government Employees in 2016 and 2017. This will of course also impact on schools and many Academies in relation to support staff. Whilst there is an offer on the table to trade unions (a two year deal) nothing has yet been agreed although we understand that the offer is being regarded as a final one.
From April, 2016 the proposals vary depending on which grade you are talking about. It is on a sliding scale. For example SCP 6 is down for a rise equivalent to 6.6% whereas the opposite end of the scale, point 18 and above is nearer to 1%.
In April 2017 a different sliding scale applies moving from 3.4% down to 1%. The National Employers have the challenge of keeping the costs down but at the same time ensuring lower paid workers meet at least the National Living Wage.
I doubt we will have a final plan until after Christmas and when we get it there may be a few headaches in actually implementing it.
As gaps close between grades, my concern is that there may be some unrest between certain staff groups as differentials between levels of responsibility are eroded. Something I’m sure unions will be raising.
Also, as a bit of an aside, there is a possibility that discussions will take place on reviewing term time working and an NJC approach to delivering “fair, consistent and transparent contracts for school support staff”. That’s not started at the time of writing but I would suspect it will in early 2016.